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Graduation Bouquet _ Premium Faux Rose+ Cosmos

Graduation Bouquet _ Premium Faux Rose+ Cosmos


Bring a burst of sunshine and joy to the graduation ceremony with this beautiful floral bouquet


Introducing our exquisite premium Real-touch Rose bouquet, plus the lifelike Cosmos, accompanied by delicate faux gold Ruscus and artificial Eucalyptus, elegantly wrapped in a multi-layered style.


To add a celebratory touch, we've adorned the bouquet with Congratulations card,  to express heartfelt wishes for a bright and successful future ahead. This thoughtful detail elevates the bouquet, making it the perfect choice for commemorating this significant milestone.

  • Bouquet Size

    Approx: 50cm (H) x 38cm (W)

About Us

Tales De Fleur specialises in Everlasting Dried Flowers, Faux Flowers and Preserved Flowers creations.


Our aspiration is to enhance the longevity of gift-giving and elevate home decor with luxurious, artistic floral arrangements that offer enduring beauty year-round, perfect for dream home makeovers and memorable housewarming gifts

Visit our store for a wide range of dried flowers arrangement and faux flowers arrangement, or order online.


We offer flower delivery in Adelaide, including weekend. Interstate shipping available for Faux flower arrangement.

Opening Hour

Mon :  2.00 pm  - 5.00pm
Tues : 11.00am  -  5.30pm
Wed : 10.00 am -  5.30pm
Thur : 10.00 am -  5.30pm
Fri    : 11:00 am -  5.30pm
Sat   : 10.00 am -  5.30pm
Sun: : 11.00 am -  3.00pm

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Visit Our Shop

Tales De Fleur

Shop 2, 100 King William Road

Goodwood, SA 5034, Australia.

(08) 7006 3845

Tales De Fleur ©2023

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